Shifting Tides (2019)

Toronto’s waterfront has undergone geographical development for centuries, and in 2019 the area stands at a crossroads of functionality. To combat the excessive industrialization that occurred during the 19th Century, the Toronto Harbour Commission was created in 1911. The focus for this project, titled "Shifting Tides," is to concentrate on the eastern waterfront in order to best summarize the state of limbo the waterfront faces in achieving revitalization goals.

"Shifting Tides" focuses on sites that hold historical or geographical significance and re-contextualizes them in their contemporary state. Where possible, photographs juxtapose the visual amalgamation of industry and recreation as a representation of the dynamic spaces present in this evolving community. Due to declining port activity, it is more crucial than ever that space on the waterfront be used strategically to benefit the city economically as well as allow its growing population to establish roots in the downtown core.

Due to the rapid modifications and revisions happening in a modern metropolis such as Toronto, the waterfront presents a need to document its current state before it completely changes. The east community currently represents a pluralism of spaces; some industrial, some residential, and some merely a blank canvas for new possibilities. By contextualizing this area within the modern city of Toronto, viewers can appreciate the integration of history and future through the revitalization.

Photo Book Coming Soon!

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